Steps to stop thinking about your boyfriends exes

1.Ask yourself why you are thinking about your Boyfriend's exes. Is your boyfriend constantly bringing them up in conversation and making comments that leave you feeling inadequate? Or perhaps it's you creating this problem for yourself, by comparing yourself to the ex? Identify whether your need to think about them is due to his behavior or your own.

2. If your Boyfriend is bringing them up, it's time to talk. Tell him how hurtful it is when he mentions his ex and give him a chance to change. If you see no improvement, you should re-consider your relationship. He may not be over his ex.

3.If you're thinking about them yourself, look at why. Is your self-esteem not as great as it should be? This may well cause you to be look at his past relationships and cause you further worry. Perhaps you are a jealous person? Whatever the reason, only you can work it out.

4. Live in the moment! Those past relationships didn't work for a reason.