Right questions to ask your boyfriend

Having lots of questions to ask your boyfriend is useful in getting to know your boyfriend in a deeper way. Get to know what he is passionate about. Learn what makes him happy and sad.Discover his priorities and goals.

Below you will find a list of stimulating questions to ask your boyfriend. But every bit as important as asking the right questions is knowing how to listen to your boyfriend when he is answering you. Fully listening to his answers will have him feel more expressed.
If you ask the right questions you are going to score a lot of points with your boyfriend, but you can lose the points just as quickly by not having patience and waiting for his full answer.
It's very common for men to pause and formulate exactly they want to say. If you interrupt him while he is formulating his answer he will get frustrated. He will discontinue his communication and you'll miss the most interesting points that he is wanting to share with you.

Learn how to listen to your boyfriend

According to Alison Armstrong, creator of Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women, it is important to create the perfect setting that permits your boyfriend to share fully. She claims that in order to have men fully communicate, women need to:

  • Make sure it is a good time to ask a question.
  • Give him time to think before he responds.
  • Make sure that you don't have a "right answer" in mind.
Men are one-pointed focused all the time, so you want to make sure he is not preoccupied with something else. Asking, "Is this a good time to ask a question?" will make a big difference. Don’t take it personally if he says no. Just try again at a later time.
The perfect time to ask your question is over dinner when you have his full attention. You can even ask him one of these questions in an email. Just remember to make sure it is a good time to ask the question.

24 questions to ask your boyfriend

  • Some people say that men don't have emotions. Do you think that is a true statement?
  • What's your favorite thing to do when you are stressed out?
  • What was your favorite thing to eat when you were a kid?
  • What would be your dream vacation?
  • What would you love to accomplish by the time you are 60?
  • What do you wish you had more time to do?
  • If you won 20 million dollars, what goals would you be pursuing?
  • What do you wish you had more time to do?
  • What are some of your deal breakers in a relationship?
  • What have past girlfriends done that drove you crazy?
  • What are the characteristics of a perfect friend?
  • Do you prefer having guy friends or girl friends?
  • Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
  • Is there any kind of trip or experience that you would like to have with your family?
  • What kind of father do you think you would be?
  • When you need time alone, what is the best way for me to know this?
  • If you could win any award, which one would you love to win?
  • Is there anything you have wanted to learn, but have not learned it yet?
  • How do you think a woman and a man in a relationship should handle money together?
  • Is there a certain sexual experience that you would like to have with me?
  • How many times per week do you need sex?
  • What does having sex provide for you?
  • Is there something that you would like me to do more of in bed?
  • What are some things that you have always fantasized about a woman doing to you?
After you ask your question, give your boyfriend time to think. He is not just making up some answer for you. He actually knows what the answer is and he needs time to formulate the answer in words.
Sit still and be patient while he thinks. Prompting him or asking your question another way will just break his train of thought. This will cause him to not fully answer your question and you will miss out on knowing something new about him.
Your boyfriend doesn't like getting into trouble with you. If he thinks his answer will get him into trouble he probably won't answer the question.
When asking these questions to ask your boyfriend you want to make sure you are safe to talk to. Keep an open mind and appreciate him for answering your question.